Closing the Gap

Closing the Gap

Calling all compassionate paradigm shifters! Are you ready to close the gap? I have observed over 20+ years of working in this field of transformation that if we just listen and don’t take some kind of action to shift our thinking, perceptions and experience – and of...

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Courage: Generosity of Heart

Courage: Generosity of Heart

 Brené Brown defines courage as a vulnerable ingredient in healing shame. I agree. What I have found is shame is usually piggybacking other intense experiences: abandonment, rejection, abuse, disappointment and fear. The root word for courage is 'cour' meaning heart....

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Your Big Journey Starts with a Small Step

Your Big Journey Starts with a Small Step

“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” The summer of 1969 was quite a year historically. Not only did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon, and this very famous quote was recorded, but I was preparing to enter my freshman year of college. A BIG deal. Even...

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Loving is a Choice

Loving is a Choice

There was no place to run or hide. I had to stand there and take it. “You have ruined your children’s lives and they will never forgive you. How could you break up the family?” These harsh words brought stinging tears to my eyes. The blood rushed out of my body and my...

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Call Me By My True Names

Call Me By My True Names

Please Call Me By My True Names Do not say that I'll depart tomorrow because even today I still arrive. Look deeply: I arrive in every second to be a bud on a spring branch, to be a tiny bird, with wings still fragile, learning to sing in my new nest, to be a...

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Are You Afraid of Commitment?

Are You Afraid of Commitment?

In my 40s I wanted to start singing in public again. Growing up I sang in church choirs, in musicals, on stage at events…singing was a big part of my life that brought me much joy. So, I contacted three talented musicians, invited them to an informal jam session and...

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Finding Your True Self

Finding Your True Self

I believe we are all called to expand, to grow, to venture into the unknown in many different ways. All of these invitations – whether bidden or unbidden, prompted by boredom, adversity or sea change – come with a fair amount of fear and trepidation. We like our...

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Self-Image vs Self-Esteem

Self-Image vs Self-Esteem

The first time I ever stepped forward in a leadership position to champion women’s empowerment was early in the 1980s. Even though the women’s empowerment movement had been around for many years, the small southern provincial town I lived in at the time was not a...

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Life as Pilgrimage

Life as Pilgrimage

I live in an area of the U.S. where people walk to a certain site – a specific holy place – to commemorate, to celebrate, to remember, to worship, to honor or to atone for a wrong. In a very small town, in rural New Mexico, tens of thousands of people gather from all...

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Kathleen’s Story – The Human side of My Sacredness

“My sacred calling is to really know the essence of who I am – to embrace myself as the being that I am with my challenges and my gifts and my loving. As I bring forward my loving and self-acceptance to myself…this is really important to me – how can I bring that...

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