Rebecca E. Skeele
Rebecca E. Skeele, Author, Speaker, Wisdom Teacher and Spiritual Mentor is known as an expert in teaching the inner spiritual tools to initiate a major life shift in consciousness. She is gifted at being clear, focused, and on the mark in guiding a path into the quantum realities so her students can reveal to themselves their connection to their Divine Reality.
Her clients say she is brilliant, powerfully loving and unshakable in her commitment to mirror the truth so that others may set themselves free of self imposed limitations. Her passion is demonstrating the power of each person to access their divine reality and share their sacred ambition with the world.
Live Speaking Samples
More About Rebecca
Rebecca holds two Master’s degrees: M.A. in Spiritual Counseling and M.A. of Theology in Spiritual Science. Rebecca was named Counselor of the Year in 2005 by the New Mexico Counseling Association for her visionary leadership and natural ability to inspire.
Rebecca speaks from experience and teaches what she knows — that everything in life is designed to uplift us and that our home with Spirit is waiting for each of us — when we have the willingness, courage and resilience to shift and claim our spiritual heritage. Her approach is authentic, wise and humorous as she teaches through examples from her life of waking up, letting go of the drama/trauma, shifting out of self-limiting beliefs and judgments, and choosing to live in love no matter what.

Speaking Topics
Rebecca’s speaking topics focus on how important it is for a mission driven leader or entrepreneur to come out of hiding and live from their True Self.

Mission Driven Visionaries, Leaders and World Servers: It’s Time to Come out of Hiding
This presentation will introduce simple and practical ways to begin to build that new foundation inside. From this new inner solid foundation you can grow in self-confidence, self-acceptance, sovereignty and experience your True Self.

The 4 Poverties of Today’s Working Woman That sap Energy and Joy and What to Do About It
This presentation gives women a fresh approach and tools to clear away limiting beliefs and fears and tap into their personal Source of resilient loving and clear seeing. The results are renewed energy, enthusiasm and inspired action.

The Imposter Mindset
An imposter mindset has nothing to do with you or your mission/vision being pie in the sky. It has to do with your false self. Rebecca will help you identify this imposter false self and teach the tools to follow your True self, take control and manifest your BIG work with greater impact and effectiveness.
Rebecca’s Speaker Downloads
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