You Can Make It Heaven
Second Edition
This down-to-Earth manual provides all the spiritual power tools you will need to tap into your Divine Nature, break free of constricting illusions, and transform your relationship to: loved ones, finances, career, health and more.
Keys to Make My Life a Heaven Journal
This journal will assist you to capture your thoughts, your experiences, your prayers, your blessings and your questions as you allow each key to unlock an energetic door to your heaven.
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Rebecca Skeele
Rebecca E. Skeele, Wisdom Teacher and Sacred Ambition Mentor, is an author, ordained minister and licensed counselor who has facilitated seminars in the United States and Europe for several decades.
She is the author of You Can Make It Heaven: How to Live Your Life with Abundance and Loving, a down-to-earth self-mastery manual that provides the spiritual power tools necessary to tap into our Divine Nature, break free of constricting illusions and transform our relationships.
Rebecca created the The Heaven on Earth Wisdom School – A Spiritual M.B.A. in 2005. The Wisdom School is experientially based and teaches building our wisdom bridge using self-mastery, living love and loyalty to the True Soul Self. It is taught in three modules and gives students new eyes to live their life in alignment with their soul curriculum.
Rebecca is known as an expert in teaching the inner spiritual tools to initiate a major life shift in consciousness. She is gifted at being clear, focused, and on the mark in guiding a clear path into spiritual realities so her students can reveal to themselves their connection to their Divine Soul. Her clients say she is brilliant, powerfully loving and unshakable in her commitment to mirror the truth so that others may set themselves free of self-imposed limitations. Her passion is demonstrating the power of each person to access their divine reality and cocreate their personal heaven on earth.
You Can Make It Heaven
How to Enrich Your Life with Abundance and Loving – Second Edition
Heaven is an Inside Job!
No need to look to the ‘world’ for lasting fulfillment, abundance, loving and freedom. Your experience of heaven exists inside of you – beyond your ‘story’; your negative habitual mind chatter; and your fears that keep you imprisoned in an inner hell.
This down-to-earth manual provides all the spiritual power tools you will need to tap into your Divine Nature, break free of constricting illusions, and transform your relationship to: loved ones, finances, career, health and more.
This second edition also includes new material: The Seven Keys to Make Your Life a Heaven
* Heaven Is
* You Don’t need Fixing, You Need Loving
* Wake up from the Knock on the Door
* Get to Know your True Self
* Create a Safe Place Within
* Unmask Fear
* Make Different Choices
Keys To Make My Life A Heaven
Co-Creating Abundance and Loving Journal
Heaven is a radical choice!
This journal will assist you to capture your thoughts, your experiences, your prayers, your blessings and your questions as you allow each key to unlock an energetic door to your heaven.
Choosing ‘heaven’ is to live your life in a different reality – a different way than most people. Instead of sleep walking through each day or chasing after those ‘bright shiny objects’ that the world tell us we need in order to be successful and have it all together your Heaven asks you:
* What do you truly want?
* What will give your life meaning and fulfillment?
* How will you serve yourself and others by living in the world from greater loving, kindness, compassion and joy?
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