by Rebecca E Skeele | Mar 26, 2014 | Spiritual Emergence
I have been writing a series on spiritual emergence taking stories from my life as a way to illustrate in a brief snapshot how a deep soul calling might appear. The story-line up until now has been from my archives – during a tremendous time of upheaval, change,...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Mar 11, 2014 | Spiritual Emergence, Wisdom School
Coming down from the mountain top transformed and re entering my old life was smooth at first. I felt different in my skin. My step was lighter, my heart felt open and I greeted the day with much joy. It wasn’t long, though, before my ‘new’ self...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Jan 29, 2014 | Spiritual Emergence, Wisdom School
You may be in a time of spiritual emergence if… Does this sound like the opening line to a good comedy routine? Well, when you are in a time of spiritual emergence you may not immediately see the humor. I just completed doing a spiritual emergence process with...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Oct 16, 2013 | Make it Heaven, Wisdom School
The Heaven on Earth Wisdom School teaches the energy techniques, mastery skills, spiritual practices and tools to live and cocreate your life as a personal ‘heaven on earth’. In the Self Mastery Wisdom School I – Building Your Wisdom Bridge you learn...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Sep 30, 2012 | Make it Heaven, Wisdom School
Hello Rebecca Skeele here your host for the upcoming 3-day Virtual Symposium 2012 Home stretch: Up-Leveling Your Energy Know-How and Raising Your Energy Vibration. Here’s the question I would like to address: What are the most profound energy refining and boosting...