by Rebecca E Skeele | Apr 25, 2012 | Wisdom School
Whack Of Wonder moments happen when you shift out of the mind, connect with your body and expand your heart. This very simple 3 step technique opens up your ability to receive the Divine Reality of who you are – always present, but not always perceived. The steps are...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Jan 14, 2012 | Wisdom School
When I was getting my Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology 20 years ago I was in the middle of a very scary time. My marriage was dissolving, I was looking for work after being home and raising children for 8 years, my self-esteem had been rattled and nothing...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Jun 8, 2011 | Wisdom School
Video Blog #3 CoCreating a New Reality from Rebecca Skeele on Vimeo. Video #3 – Cocreating a New Reality. The first question to ask yourself to make a space for the new is: What is completing? What energies in your life no longer serve you? Relationships? Are...