An Easier Way to Shift

An Easier Way to Shift

I love watching tango. The dance moves are fluid and in sync even though legs seem to be moving in one direction and bodies in another. And, the two partners have some kind of unspoken yet palpable communication going on which enhances the dance. When I watch tango I...
Finding Amazing Grace

Finding Amazing Grace

This time of year it seems that we are all searching for one thing – Grace. Holiday travel, visits from family and friends, hosting Thanksgiving dinners, shopping for the perfect gifts, colder weather – it can often make you wonder just where the joy and...
Less TO DOs and More TO BEs

Less TO DOs and More TO BEs

Have you ever had the desire to focus your energy on something new? I recently made the decision to review my priorities and decide where I want to focus my energy. Energy is the secret key to enjoying life, I have discovered. If we use our energy filling up our days...
7 Steps to a Grace-Based Reality (Part 2)

7 Steps to a Grace-Based Reality (Part 2)

If you haven’t already, centering yourself is the best place to start. You can use this free Centering in the Light Meditation to do just that. Now, we begin our journey on the path to Grace Based Reality. Keep in mind that awareness goes a long way to opening...