This time of year it seems that we are all searching for one thing – Grace.
Holiday travel, visits from family and friends, hosting Thanksgiving dinners, shopping for the perfect gifts, colder weather – it can often make you wonder just where the joy and grace are. It can be tough to find the things you are grateful for during the holiday season.
The first voice you hear inside might not be full of enthusiasm, joy and YES. In fact, it may be grumbling, fearful, expressing doubt or some other well worn tactic that has worked in the past. Your job, as a spiritual scientist, is to recognize the voices of the ‘old’ story, the old belief systems, and gently, but firmly say, “I hear you. Thank you for sharing. I’m choosing differently this time.”
Each time you override those old patterns that happen automatically and choose to shift – in that moment, or the following, or the next day – you begin to lay a new path through your reactive nature of upliftment, self loving and self acceptance.
The results? Amazing GRACE.
The holidays can be challenging so keep your self-mastery skills ready. Observe, accept, listen with compassion, and forgive. Keep asking yourself, “how can I ask for and live the highest good today?”
In closing, as the world celebrates in this season and in so many ways the holy ness of who we are, I want to leave you with one of my favorite quotes:
‘Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day I can hear her breathing.’ – Arundhati Roy
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