Yesterday’s Mastering the Shift Living Your Noetic Reality Radio Show was an honest sharing from three beautiful practitioners about their experience of Noetic Balancing. As Judi, Rick and Eve shared their recent revelations, challenges and experiences of giving Noetic Balancings to people from all walks of life the mystery of who we are as divine beings in this human experience began to unfold.

At one point they were sharing about the experience of ‘grace’ that shows up time and time again during a balancing. What is Grace? How do you experience it? Where does Grace come from? I have read many books written by philosophers, theologians and spiritual teachers that all take a stab at describing grace…but listening to Rick, Eve and Judi share ‘how’ it shows up during a balancing was both instructional and inspiring.

Noetic Balancing is an energy therapy/healing protocol that utilizes ancient techniques of balancing the personal aura and beyond. By balancing we mean come into an original state of wholeness (holy ness). As a client allows deep, buried unconscious beliefs and judgments to surface the intention of the client and the practitioner create a space for the client’s highest possible Good to clear the mis understanding and illusion. The resultsĀ are often an exquisite surrender, palpable shift of expansive heart-opening frequency that fills the client, the practitioner and the room with itself. We call this ‘grace’.

For me, it’s the way we are wired. Our nature and make up – both physically and in the invisible bodies – are set up to re instate us over and over into ‘living love’. During a balancing when this frequency shows up every cell of the body vibrates in recognition. and the results? Many people begin to see themselves and their life from an entirely new perspective. Danielle, a Noetic Practitioner wrote: ” When clients have the experience of a balancing, they often begin to recognize that they are the captain of their own ship.” Shara, also a Noetic Practitioner shared: “The Noetic Shift is a quantum shift in our lineage and ancestry. …we change our genetic and soul expression and vibrate the grace, loving and gratitude that is always present.”

Pretty powerful stuff. These times call for us to experience and live this kind of shift. For more information about Noetic balancing and to find a practitioner near you visit www.noeticbalancing.comand click Practitioners. Noetic Balancing can also have similar results long distance – in case you don’t live near a practitioner. Or send me an email for more information.