Where were you during the first Summer of Love? I have had fun reminiscing this week about all the shifts in consciousness that have occurred since the early 50s and 60s. If you were around then you know what I am talking about. What the world looked like in the 50s – post WW II – and what it looks like today are radically different…in some ways…and in others the old paradigms are still holding on…and in several areas more pronounced.
Which is really what I have been contemplating…the extreme ideological old belief systems vs the new emerging compassionate paradigms of our day. What makes the contrast so startling? Is it the technology that gives us the ‘big’ picture in our face images everywhere that do not allow a moment of rest? It can feel that way sometimes…a constant bombardment of scarcity, bummers or impending bummers and fear. The news coverage is 24/7.
But so is the plethora of YouTube, blogs, teleclasses, organizations, emails, websites, radio shows and videos that have a different message – one of hope, inspiration, vision, upliftment and reminders about the new, fresh and creative ideas, approaches, gatherings and messages of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. The evolution is happening.
I am grateful for the ability to turn on my computer and read a story about compassion and kindness in Bhutan, or watch a YouTube of joy and spontaneity of another flash mob, or listen to a visionary thought leader share new insights or attend a teleclass focused on living from authentic empowerment. Or read about a local or global event supporting a shift in consciousness that I can attend in person – or virtually.
It’s pretty extraordinary when I stop to think about it!
Mastering the Shift Living Your Noetic Reality radio shows each week intend to be one of those voices for upliftment, support and inspiration. The radio show’s growth in audience – peaking at over 42,000 so far – is a testament to how hungry we are for another point of view that is sustaining, nourishing and rings of truth. All of the shows are archived on the On The Radio page on this website for easy reference. If you click on the show that catches your interest the link will take you directly to that show. From there you can listen on your computer or download the show for listening later. There are also iphone, droid and ipod capabilities for downloading.
If you commute you don’t ever have to listen to regular radio again – just plug in your portable device in your car and listen to Mastering the Shift instead. Or take your head set to the gym, or on the walk with your dog…or taking a break from the ‘world’ responsiblities. I welcome you to send me your comments, feedback or suggestions. What would you like to hear a show about? What compassionate new paradigm is emerging for you? rebecca@makeitheaven.com
The Summer of Love Series with Evolutionary Astrologer, Jason Holley, begins 7.12.11 with his first show on Venus through the signs. Why did your Soul choose its particular Venus location? What are you and those you love here to learn in the area of relationship and sexuality? To follow Jason’s information about your Venus sign visit https://jasonholley.net/articlesradio/venusmars_mastering_the_shift and look it up. It’s easy. Just click his link, look for the year you were born and then the month. If you are wanting to know more about a partner you can look up their information as well.
The next Summer of Love show will air August 9 – focusing on Mars through the signs, and then August 30 – the Dance of Venus/Mars. You won’t want to miss any of them.
Or, for that matter, all of the shows for Mastering the Shift’s summer line up will be home runs. Don’t be left out – join my Free Newsletter or join my Facebook page under Mastering the Shift. I post each show weekly.