Celebrate the NEW YOU and Say Goodbye to the Old

welcoming-lotusHave you noticed shifts in the way you’re experiencing time or space?

If so, this is because you are not who you were 5 years ago – you are brand new

Subtle changes in your vibrational bodies have been slowly increasing. You may have also noticed shifts in your energy, your ability to focus, a need for more rest, a change in diet…the way it shows up for you will be unique to who you are.

The world is not the same either. Old structures are crumbling.

Unrest and uncertainty about business, world governments, financial institutions and the roles we play in our lives are all up for grabs. If you are looking for safety and security in the old paradigms those days are over. Completion and integration is needed.

As a Heaven on Earth Mentor and an ordained minister, I have presided over endings, beginnings, births, deaths, marriages and rites of passage. Each time a commitment is made to complete, release or begin anew and a clear intention held the holy essence of who we are comes present. It imbues our simple words and acts with resonance and a profound energy of ‘and so it is’.

Now is time to insert these extraordinary moments of ceremony into our out-of-the-ordinary days.

So allow me to ask you: What is completing and how do you honor this ending in sacred time? How do you mark these days with conscious attention so that you feel done – and it feels good to be done? At the same time – what inner practices are necessary to shift the old beliefs rooted in the old paradigms of separation, alienation, limitation and fear?

How do you make peace inside?

And finally, how do you welcome the new – your new Self that has greater ability to connect to your BIG life? How do you engage with these Bigger energies – your Divine Reality – and embody and live from an expanded awareness of grace, loving, peace, connection and wholeness?

If you are longing to release your old life, the old behavior that is so ‘over’ and welcome the new energies – perhaps a new YOU…

I have recorded 3 Sacred Ceremonies that can assist you to move through this profound energy shift and make a space for the parts of you that have been waiting for this time.

Ceremony for Completing

  • What is ending in your life? What has run its course or completed its time?
  • Are your children getting to that age where they have their own lives and it’s time to dust off one of those shelved dreams?
  • Has a relationship gone through a rough patch and it’s time for closure?
  • Are you feeling an urge to change where you live and don’t want to leave loose ends behind? 

Ceremony for Making Peace

  • What old worn out habitual thinking and emotional patterns still keep you stuck in the past, attached to your old ‘story’ or limiting who you are?
  • Has a dear one passed over and it’s time to allow your heart to renew itself again?
  • What is the inner process of making peace come alive and last?
  • Are you tired of punishing yourself for past “mistakes” and do you long for self compassion?

Ceremony for Welcoming:

  • What is emerging within your heart that stirs a deep longing to live your big life of purpose?
  • Are you marking an important birthdate this year that has you wondering what you are doing with your life?
  • What part of you has been waiting for this time to show up and live the life you were born to live?
  • And how do you continue to welcome ‘home’ those parts that are part of the (w)holiness of who you are?

Each time of Ceremony will offer to you the opportunity to mark this passage, this bridging and this emergence so your BIGGER LIFE that is already present can take up residence in your heart and manifest energetically in your physical body.  

“I feel very blessed having you as my teacher.” – Rick, NM “So much gratitude for your awakening guidance.” – Burke, NM “You’re a brilliant woman and we’re truly fortunate to have you.” – Joey, NM

“I’ve worked with many amazing people through out my 25 years of personal development and I must say Rebecca is a gifted facilitator.” – Beth, CA

“Thank you for your amazing work. I am still buzzing.” – Deborah, NM

“I am unwaveringly connected to the Field of Light and Living Love and a life that’s filled with gratitude and increasing Joy. Thank you!” – Lola, NM