I have received two blogs recently about dying. Yes, not sugar coating it – dying. So I’m paying attention. I just turned 60 – woohoo! – my first born daughter got married last weekend – woohoo!! – I am launching a brand new online presence with all the high energy excitement and knee knocking fear that goes with taking a leap – woohoo!!! – and this week I am aware of dying.
Life, currently, is full of profound juxtapositions. There is a poignant scent in the fall air as the world scene continues to amaze me with surprising heroic people demonstrations every where. Good news, bad news, disappointing news, encouraging news…The world is responding to this important time in a big way.
What if you were given a life threatening diagnosis and had 6 months to live? Would your life radically shift? or not? I know that the cycle of life/death/birth/marriage/divorce/birthdays/anniversaries/death/birth is happening every minute of every day…but do I really take the time to spend a few minutes present to my experience, in my body, of these amazing events?
Can’t say I have any more to say other than I am paying attention. And I’m not quite sure why I am paying attention or to what exactly? But whatever it is we are all tuned in – consciously or not. And I believe it will continue to be important to stay tuned in in the weeks and months to come.
Here’s a quote I like from one of the articles on death. The man who is the focus of the article died Sept. 20.
“Some cures require a radical intervention of the soul: a change in our mindset and our way of being. These cures require us to stop racing through our busy lives, working, providing, and consuming. Some cures require that we stop and enjoy every sandwich.” – Living Life Fully