Bobbye had a compelling drive to go inside and make that into a ‘something’ in the world all her life.

“I grappled with it in so many ways. My sacred calling was all about the inner…waking people up, increasing the level of consciousness in the world and in people, and inviting them to wake up to who they are as a Soul and a Divine Radiant being.”

For a very long time, Bobbye’s experience was that the outer world was not ready for what she longed to offer.

After years of trying and running into a wall, the times began to shift, and she found circles of people that were open and wanting what she had to offer.


“One of the most significant dramatic upgrades was connecting into the sacred ambition tribe,” and what transpired for Bobbye and her husband Jonn when they attended their first Sacred Ambition event. “The YSA event literally ignited a life changing plate tectonic move from Chicago to New Mexico…and it was that community and your teachings, honoring, recognizing, and appreciating the inner part of the journey, that was so incredibly refreshing and resonant for me.”

So now Bobbye is taking a stand “for the life force energies or chi of radiant wholeness and inviting others to play, replenish, and surf the mystery as we birth the new story.”

Bobbye goes on to talk about how, if we are only tapping into our limited personal energy to try and change things, that approach is completely exhausting. We must tap into the Universal life force that is in us and all around us to draw us forward into what we want to create.

Yes and Yes.

A story that she told about her past – Bobbye went to a Catholic high school and in Sister Nancy’s class, they were supposed to do a presentation on What is God?

“I brought in Helen Reddy’s song, ‘I am Woman,’ and I was making a case that God was a woman. Well, I wasn’t kicked out, and Sister Nancy had the sweetest gleam in her eye.”

Love that story

From there, Bobbye went on her own personal inner quest to ‘wake up’ consciously and get to know her inner world. Her inner work now focuses around chi gong and studying many mystical paths. “So I’m dancing across the void without a net — and that’s OK. “Surfing the mystery,” as Bobbye likes to say.

For her, plugging into the inner knowing and inner wisdom is how we will all traverse these very uncertain times we are living in and through.

‘Building communion within’ is another of Bobbye’s phrases, which then translates in her life with more flow, harmony, and grace.

Loving all of her parts inside – consciously embracing each part that did its job from the ‘old’ story perspective, speaking kind words of appreciation to this inner part so that in time the ‘old’ story is transformed by loving. This process results in a huge rush of energy – which fuels so much transformation.

So Bobbye’s sacred calling of championing the inner way now has a place – and a voice – and a belonging.

Where is her sacred calling today?

Bobbye is developing a couple of prototype classes where she is inviting others to play with “a palette” where people can experience her approach, and she’s also in a collaboration with a delicious team. “The wings are starting to unfold.”

Trusting the inner wisdom is also a big part of where she wants to support others.

“First Be, then do,” she says.

And sacred action…

“We are among millions of fractal pivot points that reflect a facet of the new story. This story needs to be aired out and given space. Everyone has their unique way of expressing this action…including on the seen and unseen levels.“

Any challenges?

“The more I show up, the more natural the sacred action gets. I see my challenge more as staying with it, honoring each conversation, saying Yes to Rebecca’s call for story, leading an invocation – every time I show up, it gets more grounded and real inside me.” Taking the steps – coming out of the closet – and continuing to follow and stay the course.

And the Bridge is unfurling across the void as I keep going.”

Beautiful, Bobbye.

“Building an invisible and invincible energetic infrastructure – that beautiful Sacred Sanctuary.”