On her journey to supporting others in finding their soul-aligned purpose, a friend shared that she had had a life altering experience at an event she had attended last August. BB’s curiosity was peaked.
“Ok, I have to hear about this life-altering experience.”
The event turned out to be Your Sacred Ambition 2015 so BB registered for the Sacred Ambition 2016 event and within a month the house she had tried to sell off and on for years, was on the market and under contract. When events line up with our highest calling the Universe can move things forward quickly. So BB found herself on the road and traveling literally into the next step in her life.
“The sacred ambition intrigued me because you were putting together the words sacred with ambition and life purpose AND I was looking for an opportunity to connect with like-minded people. That is very important to me at this time in my life.”
Building community for BB is the support she needs to stay the course. Her inner wisdom was very clear about this. BB also attended the Sacred Ambition event in February – A Day of Radical Loving. And after the February event, she received an upgrade to her sacred calling: To bring all of creation into communion.
“Whew! OK, that’s kind of big!”
So what did she do then? And how does one stay the course when the ‘big’ calling finally makes itself known?
BB discovered she was really good at staying in the ‘process’ of allowing and tracking the inner passion to be voiced and articulated. The end results or goals was not so much her thing. So the ‘how-to-do-it’ didn’t interest her as much as ‘what-is-it’ and supporting others in their emergent process. Discovering this gift she had then gave her the next step in sharing her blessing with the world.
“I am working with a friend and we are looking at the process of emergence – especially around the wise woman or the crone. She is also creating a class to support people to strengthen their connection to their intuitive process – that Inner guidance that is so important if you are following a sacred calling.”
Bringing all of creation into communion begins, for BB, with assisting people to be in communication with their trusted source and the consciousness that exists within all things animate and inanimate.
BB so demonstrates the importance of making the inner a priority. It takes space and time to be with the amorphous voices that are whispering and gently nudging us to be quiet, to listen, to be patient, to trust and to watch closely.
Then when the inner foundation has been laid well the ‘form’ of the sacred calling – the sacred ambition piece – begins to take on flesh and bone. The brilliance of that time of fashioning our inner wisdom is apparent.
What is radical loving to BB?
BB is also honest about her amazement that she is even involved now in her life with following her intuition or having wild connections with animals or the earth. This was not her life up until recently. And this got very practical for BB – she found herself living with mice in her small casita and making a choice to see how she could live in harmony with these creatures rather than decide they had to go.
“So I’m finding a shift around co-existing and respect. Radical loving to me is a space in my heart of at-one-ment and being able to see that at-one-ment in all that exists.”
Beautifully stated, BB.
Co-existing and respect with all is a description of compassion which is one of the tenants of radical loving.
“Yes, we need to create a new rather than pushing against. That is bold and fierce – to speak truth even in situations where there are differences of opinion and thought. When you are pushing against something you are limiting yourself because all you can see is you have to fix that. Instead, looking at what you want to create can open the door to many possibilities” Very wise.
Staying the Course
“I think the most important thing I can do to stay the course is to surround myself with people that doing wild and wacky things – through the Sacred Ambition events and other groups.” Yes, to find the community or tribe of support is crucial. And her challenge is to stay in the possibilities of her sacred calling. And to follow her practices that have created that solid inner foundation and to stay in the discipline of that even though that does not come easily to BB.
But she also realizes she is at a place in her journey where she HAS to stay true to herself – what we call in Self-Mastery, Loyalty to the True Self. She is too far along the journey to go on a detour now.
“Can I make a commitment to bring all of creation into communion? You know, I just have to take it one step at a time. And what is strong within me is to get to that place of harmony and communion with my trusted source and all the parts of me. It’s a huge thing for me and that is where I am wanting to move my life.”
And that, BB, is all you need to do.