When you focus on the energy of money and your relationship with money and neglect the rules of money – you can’t succeed. And vice versa. Join Kiva Leatherman and Amethyst Wyldfyre for an amazing collaboration: 7 Secret Steps to Overcome Your Fears and Embrace your Worth, Wealth and Wisdom .

Too many women know that they’re worthy of wealth but can’t seem to get there. Where’s the disconnect??

Maybe it’s the ‘monsters’ or limiting beliefs that lie in your chakras. Here are 7 distinct fears or imprints created by wound/traumas that will absolutely eat up your self worth and the energy centers where these “monsters” live:

Fear of Not Having Enough – Lives in your ROOT or Base Chakra – Survival Issues and Lack

Fear of Not Being Good Enough – Lives in your SACRAL or creative Chakra – Self Sabotage/Overdoing

Fear of Power/Success – Lives in your Solar Plexus or Power Chakra – Boundary/Control Issues

Fear of Being Abandoned – Lives in Heart Chakra – Excessive Grief/Depression Feeling Empty

Fear of Speaking Your Truth – Lives in Throat 0r Creative Expression Chakra – Unable to Express Needs

Fear of Betrayal – Lives in Third Eye or Brow Chakra – Broken Dreams, Disbelief, Doubt, Distrusting

Fear of Loneliness/The Unknown – Lives in Crown Chakra – Fear of Being the Leader/Responsibility

Do any of these sound familiar to you? Well, I would like to invite you to check out what my friends,  Amethyst Wyldfyre and Kiva Leatherman are offering. A brand-new call where they’ll reveal the 7 secrets about women and wealth and how to clear those limiting beliefs forever.  Join them for the call, 7 Secret Steps to Overcome Your Fears and Embrace your Worth, Wealth and Wisdom https://zbv87750.infusionsoft.com/go/WOW001/rskeele/