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Video #5 – Radical loving will convict us to be real about the price we will pay.
When our heart is ripped apart by what breaks it open we realize the ‘price’ that is asked: What expression of your radical loving will you bring to the world now?
In that moment we realize the ‘price’ entails sacrificing a need to protect our self from what we perceive will destroy us or be too much. In those moments we must let go and surrender to what Loving would have us do. We face our fear of overwhelm and do the inner work necessary to expand our heart capacity beyond what we believe our heart can handle.
I will culminate this month of videos in A Day of Radical Loving, February 18th, in Albuquerque NM. If you would like to learn more here is a link to read about what we will be doing in community… together as we write the new story for our lives and for these times of great challenge.
Learn More Here: rebeccaeskeele.com/a-day-of-radical-loving
Video Series: www.youtube.com/rebeccaskeele