CoCreation with Radical Loving

How to take Sacred Action in challenging times and create a far-reaching impact for Yourself, the Planet, and the World.

Our ancient ancestors celebrated this day with rituals to honor the bountiful earth and the harvest that would come. Spring is also a time when life becomes full, ripe and rich. A time to pause and assess the abundance of blessings as well as the opportunities for more growth, expansion and Self revelation.

Our Spring Equinox Retreat will gather us together in a stunningly beautiful retreat center surrounded by ancient land, trees, petroglyphs, and sky to allow ‘clear seeing’ and ‘deep listening’ to our self, our calling, our planet… and how we want to show up in our lives.

Radical Loving is… the work for all of us at this time. To move beyond the inner and outer walls of separation, alienation, us vs them, and lack of tolerance that would divide us, let’s use our radical compassion and justice for all to crumble the walls with our heart’s resolve and deep commitment.

~ Rebecca E. Skeele

During our retreat we will use the clarity of the stark day light to illuminate anything that might be hiding in the shadows of our daily life. CoCreation​ asks us to envision beyond our present day situations and circumstances. The bright light can reveal the blessings that are present as well as the places that need our attention to heal and clear.

We will also use the magic and mystery of the night vision – our dream time – to access our inner helpers, guides and messengers. These guardians of our deeper Truth can assist us to let go of unconscious fears and blocks that might be stifling our wisdom. Many times what seems to be a formable foe is only a Divine Angel disguised to challenge our assumptions.

This Equinox Retreat is all inclusive. Your registration includes farm to table freshly prepared meals, comfortable accommodations and all retreat activities.

This retreat is limited to 12 participants to allow for maximized attention to your process by Rebecca, your facilitator.

Our group time together will include meditation, sharing and dream work. Alone time will include silence, walking meditations, journaling and light hiking.

We will begin our retreat, March 20, with a Labyrinth ceremony.

Here are the details for The Spring Equinox Retreat…

SouthWest Sanctuary:

Where ancient wisdom meets modern healing in the Land of Enchantment

Your stay at the SWS will foster a deep remembering of the power of the sacred earth and community. Great care has been taken with the inner spaces to enhance your time of quiet, meditation, deep reflection, and soul growth. The SWS will nurture your experience of belonging with majestic ancient trees, a labyrinth, gardens and meditation areas and paths for hiking.

The lodging is charming and unique with breathtaking views. The farm to table meals are delicious and body healing.

Your fellow retreat participants will greet you with a deep intention to share a profound and lasting experience of heart and soul growth, expansion and revelation. The retreat will begin Thursday, March 20 @ 3p and end Sunday, March 23 @ 3p.

When you register for the retreat more details will be sent including travel information and directions and any special dietary needs.



The Spring Equinox Retreat is $2,150 single occupancy/shared bath and $2,350 single occupancy en suite.

The retreat is limited to 12 participants. Registration will close March 7, 2025.
Payment in full is due by March 7, 2025.

*Please note: All registrations are final. There are no refunds for the Spring Equinox Retreat.

Rebecca Skeele

My wish for you is that you give yourself these four days to reset your inner compass, silence the ‘noise’ in your head, listen deeply to your guidance, and commit to that inner vision that lives in the fire of your heart.

I welcome you!


Your Facilitator

Dr. Rebecca E. Skeele is a seasoned facilitator, having spent the last 30 years working with individuals and groups, assisting them to live a divinely guided and deeply fulfilling life.

She runs depth retreats and workshops to facilitate and guide each person to know themselves in Truth and awaken to their soul calling.

“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin