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Video #2 – Compassion: Radical Loving In Action

Compassion takes the fire and passion of our hearts and puts it into our hands. Hands that can touch, heal, comfort, create and go to work. Compassion sees all but does not turn away from the ugliness of cruelty and hate. But rather than strike out and create more rancor, compassion moves in the direction of justice grounded in sacred action in service to the greater good.[/su_column]

I will culminate this month of videos in A Day of Radical Loving, February 18th, in Albuquerque NM.  If you would like to learn more here is a link to read about what we will be doing in community… together as we write the new story for our lives and for these times of great challenge.

Learn More Here: rebeccaeskeele.com/a-day-of-radical-loving

Video Series: www.youtube.com/rebeccaskeele

A Day of Radical Loving with Rebecca E Skeele