Your Sacred Ambition 2017
Are you called to step forward, at this time, with your unique expression of your bold, loving action – and dedicate your sacred ambition to serve you and the greater good?
Do you have a big dream in your heart – perhaps since you were a small child – and have not found the ‘right’ way for you to bring it forward…or the support necessary to stay the course?
Hello and Welcome!
This is your invitation to spend three days with me and a tribe of like-hearted visionaries, leaders and world servers in the Land of Enchantment, experiencing first hand what it means for YOU to do just that!
Join me for the 4th annual not-to-be-missed event
August 10, 11, 12 – 2017 Albuquerque, NM
From Heart’s Calling to Bold, Loving Action
For many years I have worked with men and women assisting them to manifest their highest calling –
what I call Your Sacred Ambition.
In that time, what I have seen is that there are several common ‘limiting stories’ that keep people from making their big dream a reality and fulfilling the big work they came here to do.
What I have discovered is these ‘limiting stories’ come from misaligning and misunderstanding power and ambition and when that happens it opens the door for the world to mess with your inner truth, your wisdom and guidance…and can result in you giving up before you ever get started.

It takes space to explore and uncover the ‘fire’ of your true calling. It takes time – time to allow the emergence of this calling to form and be expressed boldly in the world.
Today, our world can feel divisive and contentious. The barrage of negative news, public hatred, anger, and suffering can feel overwhelming. In these current conditions, it is easy to get caught up in what we are ‘against’ rather than envision and move our energy into what we are ‘for’. Envisioning and living into a ‘new story’ can point us in that direction. Devoting and dedicating our energies, talents, and resources into the sacred calling of our heart galvanizes our will in service to our greater calling and the greater good.
This ‘new story’ will be juiced by a commitment – your commitment – and your bold loving action.
Those of us who hold a greater vision can easily minimize and even silence our voices. We can cave into a sense of overwhelm, despair and ‘what’s the use’ waiting for the tide to turn or something out there to make it safe. But what I know is the WORLD NEEDS your fire, your love, and your sacred action. And YOU ARE SAFE when you align your heart’s calling to your true power and find the support and community to move forward.
It’s the heart speak, the engagement of the heart, that directs this movement and inspired action.
How do you respond to your sacred calling from your Sacred Ambition and True Power?
True Power is the power of your radical loving…
When you source your vision and ambition in what is sacred you dramatically increase your capacity to stay the course. When you stumble and struggle in the process of bringing forward that vision you can reach out to others for support – and for the Mentor who has walked the gauntlet and knows what it takes.
Then instead of striving and pushing yourself, you can rededicate yourself to what is most precious inside and move into bold loving action. You become inclusive, not competitive because sacred callings must be shared to become a reality. The dream in your heart was given to you but you are not to do it alone. So gathering with a tribe to be witnessed, celebrated and supported is essential in today’s world.
And when something doesn’t work the way you had hoped – a workshop doesn’t fill or an order you were counting on doesn’t come through – you have a deeper reservoir of inner truth to access. This makes you resilient so you won’t give up too soon. You can trust yourself and this bright ‘inner’ light that is illuminating the way rather than throw in the towel and walk away – discouraged and blaming yourself.
What I know is that there is nothing wrong with your dream or your ability to bring it into reality. You have everything you need inside to manifest your vision.
The keys are to discover that there is a way to be an ambitious woman or man, connected to your source of your true power, and to learn the inner and outer steps necessary to take that far-reaching and impactful vision to the world.
The world is thirsty at this time for Leaders, Visionaries, and World Servers who are ready to bring their big dreams forward while knowing their ambition and power is in service to the greater good.
That heartfelt soul-stirring impulse to share yourself and your gifts and talents in a bigger way comes from the greatness of who you are. And attending Your Sacred Ambition 2017 can be the game changer you have been looking for.
See what past attendees have to say about this event.

What makes this 3-day Sacred Ambition event different from all the others?

Your Sacred Ambition Event will be experiential in nature. Rather than feeding you information that you may or may not use, it will take you on a journey of discovery into your own life so that you can uncover what has always been present as YOU – in plain sight. This is the essential first step in birthing sacred callings and manifesting sacred ambition businesses.

This event is not about ‘making up’ a vision of what will make you happy. This vision, can often times be created from the ego and set an external standard to strive for that keeps you from feeling you are THERE or you are GOOD enough. Your Sacred Ambition is not something you strive to do…it is an essence that exists inside that is YOU. And how to express this unique calling is ‘yours’ to do. This live event will provide the support and the space to allow your sacred calling to surface so you can express it AND for more seasoned sacred ambition visionaries, a tribe of support and guidance for next steps.

Often you are inspired and on fire after an event to take on the world and yet this can come from a very ungrounded and unsustainable place. True, inspired action is sourced from deep within and referenced over and over for lasting inspiration and next steps. There is no formula to follow. And yet there is a path to follow that is true for you. You will have an opportunity to enroll in a year-long program that will give you a strong container so you can take your steps and ground your sacred calling in best business practices. You will also clear the clutter that constantly keeps you small and not feeling enough.
What we will do together in our three days in Albuquerque…
During our time together I will teach you new inner tools that you can apply to your life immediately to experience profound shifts inside and you will experience in your own unique way what it means to lead and live from your radical loving.
Day One
Remove the barriers to clear vision and radical loving

How you perceive yourself and the world around you is key to taking inspired action.
Over the years your ability to see clearly has been compromised with limited points of view and self-judgments that create unnecessary burdens.
Releasing and clearing allows the inner truth of you to shine through bringing such a fresh fragrance of new vistas.
Learning and applying a few simple new tools can make all the difference in how you experience yourself, how you hold your vision and what steps you take.
Day Two
Upgrade your relationship to ambition and power
We have been duped into thinking that our ambition is too much – and that power is something to be feared or sublimated rather than embodied and celebrated. True power comes from within – it’s the power that you were born to express.
The Source of that power is your sacred connection to your Divine Power. You know this to be true and now is the time to stand up and claim your divine birthright. Nothing less will ever satisfy or fulfill you. So stated simply: You don’t need to find your power, or take it back from someone or something you ‘gave it away’ to…you need to learn how to use it. Using your power in right relationship with ALL frees you to show up and lead simply and authentically.

Day Three
Discover, with new clarity, your Sacred Ambition and Sacred Action

My promise to you is you will leave this event emboldened to step into
Your Sacred Ambition

Join Us August 10, 11, 12 – 2017
Albuquerque, New Mexico
First, you’ll need to purchase your event ticket…
Then come back to this page and purchase your Luminary Experience ticket:
Registration - $425
Luminary Experience $150
And there’s more…
The Luminary Experience
This year we are adding a new level of participation for you who want even more information, inspiration and individual attention about how to bring your sacred ambition forward into sacred action.
The Luminary Experience Will Include…
- Wednesday, August 9th: 1pm – 4pm
A Pre-Event Workshop tailored to helping you move into readiness to explore and articulate your sacred calling and sacred ambition. This focused time will be facilitated by Rebecca and Laura designed to ‘light the fire’ of that heart calling. - Cocktail party and Dinner Wednesday, August 9th: 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Hosted in the brand new elegant Hospitality Suite at Hotel Chaco. You will enjoy the beautiful views of the Sandia Mountains and vistas and be introduced to the ‘inner circle’ of Your Sacred Ambition Mentorees. You will hear first-hand what it is like to dedicate a year to emerging your sacred ambition into sacred action. - Special Guest Speaker Lunch Thursday, August 10th
Again, you will be hosted in the Hospitality Suite for lunch. This luncheon will focus on how to bring your sacred ambition unique expression forward – letting your voice to be heard.
Stay Tuned: Guest Speaker TBA - VIP seating at the YSA 2017 Event
- Follow-up Call with Rebecca and Laura – Wednesday, August 16th
Too often you leave a transformative event with no way to fully integrate and ground the experience. This call will support you to take what you have uncovered and discovered into your life and work immediately in action – sacred action.
A Final Word…
If you are not ready to have a complete experience of discovery, newness, expansion and FUN…this event is not for you. If you ARE already knowing that this is THE time for you – even if your legs are wobbling and your voice is shaking – THIS IS the event for you. And I am here to tell you that you ARE ready for this.
and…The world is waiting. READY !
Join Us August 10, 11, 12 – 2017
Albuquerque, New Mexico
First, you’ll need to purchase your event ticket…
Then come back to this page and purchase your Luminary Experience ticket:
Registration - $425
Luminary Experience $150
About Rebecca
Charlie and Becca
Easter 2016
Rebecca Skeele, Heaven on Earth Mentor and Wisdom Teacher, has facilitated seminars in United States and Europe for 20 years.
She is the author of You Can Make It Heaven: How to Live Your Life with Abundance and Loving, Manifesting Your Sacred Ambition: Harnessing Vision and Power to Bring Your Sacred Calling to the World…in Service to the Greater Good, and creator of the Heaven on Earth Wisdom School.
Rebecca holds two Master’s degrees: M.A. in Spiritual Counseling and M.A. of Theology in Spiritual Science. She is presently completing a Doctorate in Spiritual Science. In private practice since 1990, she is known as an expert in teaching the inner spiritual tools to live a divinely guided and deeply fulfilling life.
Her passion is demonstrating the power of each person to access their divine reality and co-create their life and work with their sacred ambition.
Born and raised in the south, she lives in Santa Fe, NM with her husband, her grown children and her new grandson, Charlie.