“I am inviting you to say, “Today is that day. I will no longer minimize the fire in my belly and the love in my heart that is calling me forward to express and fulfill this sacred calling” – Rebecca E. Skeele

In this 4 hour free workshop Rebecca will guide you through an experiential process to claim and voice your essence which is the heart and soul source of your sacred ambition. This is the first step in your radical loving journey of bringing your essence into a form in the world.

  • Manifesting your sacred ambition begins with discovering your calling and answering it
  • Answering a calling initiates a deep desire to voice your essence and claim that heart truth
  • Opening to the mystery of your essence and its expression is the fulfillment of what you came into the world to do and be this lifetime.
  • Experience the revelation of your essence
  • Share and be celebrated expressing your essence
  • Open to the mystery of your calling and how to follow that calling

Register below to attend a ½ day workshop

Saturday September 18
10a – 2p MT


"This calling is grounded in compassion, love, and caring for the betterment of health and healing for all of humanity."

Barbara Dossey, PhD, RN

"Rebecca is not only calling but continually reminding each of us to become engaged and live our lives with deeper significance, meaning and purpose."

Prof. Jonathan Paul De Vierville


Rebecca Skeele

Rebecca E. Skeele, author, spiritual mentor and wisdom teacher, is known as an expert in teaching the inner spiritual tools to initiate a major life shift in consciousness. She is gifted at being clear, focused, and on the mark in guiding a clear path so her students can discover the sacredness of their calling and manifest the vision in their hearts.

Rebecca is an ordained minister and licensed counselor who facilitates seminars in multidimensional consciousness and practical spirituality in the United States and Europe for two decades. Rebecca holds two Master’s degrees: M.A. in Spiritual Counseling and M.A. of Theology in Spiritual Science. 

Rebecca’s second edition book, You Can Make It Heaven: How to Live Your Life with Abundance and Loving and journal, Keys to Make My Life a Heaven were published Spring 2019. Rebecca teaches a Wisdom School and runs retreats, workshops and events. One of her favorite experiences is taking small groups to England to co-create a new reality by walking in crop circles.

Now Available at Your Local Bookstore and on Amazon!

Manifest Your Sacred Ambition Book By Rebecca E. Skeele

“Do have a copy on your bedside table for reading at the beginning and/or end of the day and then you will clearly: hear your Call, recognize your Ambition and take your Action, with a deep soulful sacredness that will meaningfully benefit not only yourself, but others and the world.”

– Prof. Jonathan Paul De Vierville

“Reading this book is like tuning into my soul. Each page lovingly and compassionately beckons me to step more fully into my essence.”

– Shannon Brook Olson

"Equal parts inspiration and practical advice, Manifest your Sacred Ambition gets right to the heart of the matter. Love. Love is the answer to everything. Radical loving, even of yourself, is key to finding and manifesting your Sacred Ambition. "

– Candace Craw-Goldman