by Rebecca E Skeele | Dec 18, 2019 | Make it Heaven
It has been a year of expansion, collaboration, support, new risks, and soul delights. I discovered a deeper reverence and love inside for the Divine Feminine; I gave myself permission to be, have and do more of what I truly wanted; and I walked alongside loved ones...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Dec 11, 2019 | Make it Heaven
I love watching tango. The dance moves are fluid and in sync even though legs seem to be moving in one direction and bodies in another. And, the two partners have some kind of unspoken yet palpable communication going on which enhances the dance. When I watch tango I...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Dec 5, 2019 | Make it Heaven, Sacred Ambition
Year ending and a new year beginning is a time when many of us are looking at the long view. You’re likley looking behind to take stock of the last 12 months and looking ahead at what you would like to create, put into motion, let go of, or begin a new....