by Rebecca E Skeele | Nov 27, 2019 | Spiritual Emergence, Wisdom School
Discombobulating, disorienting; walking on shaky ground…all very common experiences when the time of change is also a time of spiritual emergence. I had just moved my family (two children, husband and a dog) to the mountains of New Mexico leaving behind my provincial,...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Nov 21, 2019 | Make it Heaven
This time of year it seems that we are all searching for one thing – Grace. Holiday travel, visits from family and friends, hosting Thanksgiving dinners, shopping for the perfect gifts, colder weather – it can often make you wonder just where the joy and...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Nov 12, 2019 | Make it Heaven
Have you ever had the desire to focus your energy on something new? I recently made the decision to review my priorities and decide where I want to focus my energy. Energy is the secret key to enjoying life, I have discovered. If we use our energy filling up our days...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Nov 6, 2019 | Make it Heaven
Have you ever felt like everything was going wrong and you had no control? It happens to all of us, so you’re not alone. For example, once I was minutes away from my live radio show, Mastering the Shift Living Your Noetic Reality, and my engineer asked, “Rebecca, your...