Are You Afraid of Commitment?

Are You Afraid of Commitment?

In my 40s I wanted to start singing in public again. Growing up I sang in church choirs, in musicals, on stage at events…singing was a big part of my life that brought me much joy. So, I contacted three talented musicians, invited them to an informal jam session and...
Finding Your True Self

Finding Your True Self

I believe we are all called to expand, to grow, to venture into the unknown in many different ways. All of these invitations – whether bidden or unbidden, prompted by boredom, adversity or sea change – come with a fair amount of fear and trepidation. We like our...
Self-Image vs Self-Esteem

Self-Image vs Self-Esteem

The first time I ever stepped forward in a leadership position to champion women’s empowerment was early in the 1980s. Even though the women’s empowerment movement had been around for many years, the small southern provincial town I lived in at the time was not a...
Life as Pilgrimage

Life as Pilgrimage

I live in an area of the U.S. where people walk to a certain site – a specific holy place – to commemorate, to celebrate, to remember, to worship, to honor or to atone for a wrong. In a very small town, in rural New Mexico, tens of thousands of people gather from all...