Bobbye’s Story – CoCreating a Sacred Sanctuary

Bobbye had a compelling drive to go inside and make that into a ‘something’ in the world all her life. “I grappled with it in so many ways. My sacred calling was all about the inner…waking people up, increasing the level of consciousness in the world and in people,...

Deb’s Story – One Dinner Table at a Time

Deb believes that sacred work is ‘work’ that is bigger than just you. It involves other people, it has a holy element which she names as ‘the greater good’, and it invites the person to be quiet and contemplative so that one ‘right-sizes’ oneself – staying the course...

Vincent’s Story – Taking My Self Seriously

Since attending the Your Sacred Ambition Live Event in August 2016, Vincent has been in a process of bringing into form a deep experience of his sacred calling. [] Many times this is the case in our lives when we finally allow our self to be...