by Rebecca E Skeele | Jun 27, 2011 | Make it Heaven
In today’s email Inbox two emails announced the closing of a long time service project that no longer can stay afloat because of lack of funding. I immediately thought of all the lives that service project served and the hole that would be left. I also received...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Jun 13, 2011 | Make it Heaven
In Video Blog #5 I share some of the questions we have been posing in this process of completing the old and making space for the new. When you are in the process of cocreating a new reality staying with the questions rather than jumping to the answers allows for a...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Jun 11, 2011 | Make it Heaven
Day ONE of the workshop CoCreating a New Reality with guest presenter Helen Kerrison. I asked her to share about the importance of getting clear that cocreating our reality is an ongoing choice. Choosing to make the first choice to create a new reality leads us to the...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Jun 8, 2011 | Make it Heaven
Yesterday’s Mastering the Shift Living Your Noetic Reality Radio Show was an honest sharing from three beautiful practitioners about their experience of Noetic Balancing. As Judi, Rick and Eve shared their recent revelations, challenges and experiences of giving...
by Rebecca E Skeele | Jun 8, 2011 | Wisdom School
Video Blog #3 CoCreating a New Reality from Rebecca Skeele on Vimeo. Video #3 – Cocreating a New Reality. The first question to ask yourself to make a space for the new is: What is completing? What energies in your life no longer serve you? Relationships? Are...